Choose a side in Star Wars and Google apps will follow your path

star wars
If you’re a big fan of the Empire’s policies, if Darth Vader is your personal role model, if you think Stormtroopers are totally underrated, Google now lets you paint your allegiance all over your apps.
Just go to and join the Dark Side. You can also choose those goody two-shoes Jedi, but that would be a waste of perfectly good Force, wouldn’t it?
Regardless of the side you lean towards, Google now makes it easy to give your apps a Star Wars-y flair. Pick a side and the following apps will be updated to show your loyalty:
  • Android Wear – Install the Star Wars app
  • Google Calendar – Add the dates of Star Wars events to your calendar
  • Chrome – Install the Awaken The Force Within extension to see cool Star Wars images every time you open a new tab
  • Chromecast – Get a Star Wars-themed backdrop
  • Gmail – Get a Light Side/Dark Side Gmail theme
  • Inbox by Gmail – Get a Light Side/Dark Side Gmail theme
  • Maps – Your position marker is now a X-Wing or TIE Fighter
  • Waze – Let C-3PO guide your drive
  • YouTube – The progress bar will turn into a blue or red lightsaber
  • Google Search – ??
  • Google Translate – ??
Choose your allegiance wisely, but, in case you realize the futility of fighting the Dark Side, you can always change your mind.
Some of the changes will take a few hours to be applied to your apps, as per this Google FAQ. With the exception of Google Search, Google Translate, and Waze you must be signed in with your Gmail account to use the full power of the Force.
Google says that all changes are strictly esthetic, though the FAQ doesn’t promise you won’t be humming a poor rendition of the Imperial March, while your coworkers give you funny looks. Speaking of which, the Star Wars makeover only works for personal accounts.
The Star Wars experience works across Android, iOS, Windows and Mac, though the transformations to Chrome, Gmail, and YouTube only take place on desktop.

So, what is your favorite side in Star Wars, and why is it the Dark Side?

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