The hidden risks of bringing the Internet of Things into your home

Creative entrepreneurs build smart gadgets to make our homes more comfortable and cool. But connected devices are far from perfect. They speak different languages, risk being overheard and have the power to (literally) unlock your door from the inside.
The problem is that perfectly secure code is a pipe dream. Consumers want exciting, life-enhancing products, and they want them fast — leaving product makers and designers under pressure to provide a well-designed, cutting-edge product in ever-shorter development cycles. This rush to market can lead to poorly constructed software that is released with minimum consideration for security.
Some of the devices that have been found to overlook basic cyber-security measures include smart TVs, coffee machines, thermostats, web cameras, printers, routers and even Wi-Fi connected kettles. So if any of these items can be found in your home, you may need to consider the security risks.

Smart TVs

Smart TVs were among the first widely-adopted IoT devices to receive criticism for invading privacy. Big brands stand accused of tracking viewing habits and sharing the data with advertisers. To deepen concerns, user's viewing patterns are sometimes connected with IP addresses, which help hackers identify every device in a home.

Webcams and baby monitors

These devices were among the most sought-after devices on hackers’ lists. Shodan, the search engine for connected devices, has made it easy to uncover thousands of vulnerable webcams around the world. The world of connected baby cams is no stranger to hackers either. Earlier this year, a hacker posted live feeds from 1,000 baby monitors. And not long ago, an Indiana couple discovered someone hacking into their 2-year-old’s baby monitor to play music and creepy noises.

Wi-fi powered light bulbs and switches

These sleek innovations reportedly fail to encrypt Internet and local network communications, with half of their applications lacking transport encryption. This means, for instance, that network intruders can read data travelling from the device sensors to the cloud. Sometimes it’s not the manufacturer’s fault — the whole protocol can be vulnerable. In 2015, researchers found it’s possible to compromise the ZigBee protocol and take over every IoT device connected to a hub using this protocol.

You can reduce exposure in seven simple steps

You have a decisive role to play in making sure safer products are built. Maybe not during development, but certainly before spending big bucks. Here’s what you should consider before becoming an early-adopter of any IoT device:
1. Search the web for reviews and news about the device you’re eyeing.
2. Make sure devices are secured with strong usernames and passwords
3. Regularly change smart device access credentials
4. Read the privacy policy to see how your data is collected, stored and used
5. Opt-out from services that invade your privacy
6. Install firmware and security updates to fix bugs and other hackable vulnerabilities
7. Monitor the device manufacturer (websites, feeds, e-mails) for important notifications. Some pre-installed settings are privacy-intrusive by default, so changing them is important. Indirectly, your action also sends a message to the manufacturer.
Of course, if you’re passionate about IoT home devices regardless of their security stance, you can take steps to protect your network with Bitdefender BOX. Bitdefender BOX is a hardware device that sits between the home router and your internet-connected devices. It protects your entire network and connected devices including PCs, Macs, Android and iOS tablets and smartphones.
Bitdefender BOX identifies and blocks connections to malicious URLs, malware downloads and suspicious packets leading to threats such as phishing, spam and malware infections. The device also detects and installs missing security software patches required by the operating system and locates the device if needed.
What’s more, when a computer leaves the user’s home network, a private line can be enabled to continue protecting the device on the go. It also keeps it safe from man-in-the-middle and other attacks when connected to unsecure networks, like public Wi-Fi hotspots.
To learn more about Bitdefender BOX, or to buy your own today, click here.

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